- Engage with people and organizations doing work you care about deeply.
- Communicate and act from a compassionate, caring, honest and grounded place.
- Look for places of connection, intersection, and common interest.
- Share leadership, opportunities and credit for accomplishments.
- Seek the highest and best in and for all individuals and situations.
- When you or others fall short, as we most certainly will, acknowledge, forgive and learn.
- Weave creativity, work, movement, laughter, rest, quiet and nature throughout each day.
- In choice- and decision-making, seek reciprocity and explore and acknowledge intended and unintended consequences.
- Unlearn and/or let go of what is not helpful at this time.
- Find and honor your natural rhythm and what you know and encourage others to do the same.
- Acknowledge people, what’s working and possibilities often and generously.